

Namadgi National Park Koala Surveys 

In 2017-18 Capital Ecology partnered with the Conservation Research team of the ACT Government Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) to survey for Koalas in Namadgi National Park and other potential habitat sites in the ACT.

Goorooyarroo Predator-proof Fence Extension

Capital Ecology provided advice for the now completed extension to the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary predator-proof fence (PPF). The extension encapsulates much of Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, increasing the perimeter of the fence by approximately 11 kilometers and the total enclosed area from 484 ha to 1,304 ha.

Gundaroo Residential subdivision

Mid 2018, Capital Ecology was engaged to prepare a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) for a fifty lot subdivision of a 63 ha property on the northern side of Gundaroo.

Kama Interface Management Strategy

In 2016, Capital Ecology developed a management strategy for the interface between Kama Nature Reserve and the future Molonglo 3 urban development area in the ACT. This strategy provided advice and well-defined recommendations to the ACT Government to assist in achieving its commitments under the Molonglo Valley Plan for the Protection of Matters of National Environmental Significance (ACT Government 2011).

Yellow Footed Antichinus Study

Capital Ecology recently embarked on a professional development and team building trip to Temora and surrounds. We ventured to Temora to so we could trap small native mammals (notably the Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes) and investigate some ecosystems a little different to those of the ACT and NSW Southern Tablelands, our home turf.