Planning and Approvals
Specialising in the ecosystems of our key service area, Capital Ecology’s objective is to provide assessments which comprehensively identify and assess the ecological values of a study area. We combine these assessments with our expert knowledge of current legislation and policy to provide advice which enables our clients to make well-informed and timely decisions.
- EPBC Act Significant Impact Criteria assessments
- EPBC Act Referrals
- Approval condition negotiation
- EPBC Act offset requirements determination and strategies
- Expert witness testimony
- Ecological Values and Constraints Assessments
- Ecological Assessment Reports
- Applications for an Ecological Significance Opinion (ESO)
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) (ecological components)
- Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Flora and Fauna Assessments
- Application of Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM)
- Preparation of Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDAR), Biodiversity Certification Assessment Reports (BCAR), and Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Reports (BSSAR)
- BC Act Test of Significance
- Offset Management Plans/Strategies