

Capital Ecology is a Canberra-based company providing specialist ecology consulting services to the ACT and surrounding regions of NSW.

Capital Ecology’s core services provide three of the key elements underpinning the concept of ecologically sustainable development – Biodiversity Assessment, Biodiversity Management and Biodiversity Monitoring.  Modern development assessment and approval processes across all levels of government demand that these elements are appropriately addressed and implemented during the planning and delivery phases of a development.

Servicing both the public and private sectors, Capital Ecology’s projects assess and inform a diverse range of developments, including urban and peri-urban subdivision, infrastructure (road, rail, water, gas, electricity) and agriculture.  Capital Ecology also undertakes conservation-focused ecosystem and species-specific research projects and monitoring programs.

Founded on sound, evidence-based science and the expertise and extensive experience of our team, Capital Ecology offers quality, reliability and value for money to its clients.

Practicing in compliance with the EIANZ Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, we provide our services with the utmost regard for scientific integrity, objectivity and professionalism.