Robert Speirs

Robert Speirs BAppSc (Ecology), Dip PM, MEIANZ, CEnvP – Ecology Specialist, NSW BAM Assessor BAAS17089

Director / Principal Ecologist

Robert is Capital Ecology’s Principal Ecologist and has over seventeen years of fulltime ecological consulting experience. Robert has undertaken a diverse range of projects for both public and private sector clients, including urban developments, quarry extensions/remediation and linear (pipeline, electricity, telecommunications and transport) infrastructure. He is highly experienced in the design, implementation and management of complex ecological surveys, habitat assessments and vegetation mapping programs and has developed particular expertise in the ecology of the lowland woodlands and grasslands of the ACT and Southern Tablelands, Riverina, and Southwest Slopes of NSW.

Robert is experienced with vertebrate trapping and handling protocols and the identification of evidence of fauna presence. With his extensive experience in assessing habitat potential and quality for threatened species, Robert has been engaged by both government and private clients to design and implement numerous large-scale targeted surveys for threatened species. His knowledge regarding the threatened reptiles of the ACT region has led him to advise both the Commonwealth and ACT governments with strategic direction for the conservation of these species and assist with the preparation of recovery plans.

Robert has written and reviewed hundreds of scientific reports, including flora and fauna impact assessments and management plans prepared in accordance with the relevant Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation. He has also prepared numerous offset strategies, vegetation management plans, weed management plans and natural area remediation plans. Robert has provided expert witness evidence in the Federal Court of Australia, NSW Land and Environment Court, ACT Civil & Administrative Tribunal, and at Commonwealth Public Works Committee hearings.

Robert has completed a Diploma in Project Management, further strengthening the project management skills he employs on each Capital Ecology project. Robert is a Certified Environmental Practitioner – Ecology Specialist (CEnvP-E) and an active member of the ACT branch of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ).